Sunday 30 November 2014

Motivational speech. For you & me.

So lately I've been at home, at various places; stairs, bedroom, study table, garden, etc, trying to cramp loads of shit words into my head. And as the day goes by, my motivation is slowly draining away. And I know I'm not the only unlucky person, thank god, to go through this so if you’re in desperate need of some motivation, we’re going to fix that problem, right here, right now.

Prepare yourself.

WARNING: I’m going to swear and yell a little in this post.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

You said you needed motivation. I’m going to do what needs to be done to get your ass in gear. NO EXCUSES.

If this isn’t the kind of motivation you need, leave now. You’ve been warned.


Here goes.

Do you want some motherfucking motivation right now?


Do you want to get some seriously useful shit done today?

Do you want to get off your ass and start producing instead of wallowing in despair, depression, self pity, fear, doubt or whatever is holding you back?

Are you sick of not getting anything done?

Let’s DO THIS.

The point of this exercise is to give you motivation to do something right now. Don’t just absorb this and continue sitting around procrastinating.


Follow the steps below carefully.

1. Quit bitching about how tired you are.
The world doesn’t care.

And if you’re feeling depressed or down, stop feeling sorry for yourself while you’re at it. It doesn’t matter.

We all face obstacles. How you deal with those obstacles defines who you are and determines how successful you are in life.

Did you catch that? It was the secret to life. Seriously.

Let me say it again.

We all face obstacles. How you deal with those obstacles defines who you are and determines how successful you are in life.

Period. End of story.

2. Read the quotes below. If you have a favorite quote or two you always refer to, read that too.

Some people die at 25 and aren’t buried until 75. – Benjamin Franklin

Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you’re alive, it isn’t. – Richard Bach

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. – Steve Jobs

3. If you haven’t eaten something, eat a little snack now.

For god’s sake don’t eat a fucking chocolate or some other junk food.

Eat something healthy. Eat some nuts or fruit. Take your vitamins.

4. Do one of the following three things:
A) Take a shower, OR

B) Go for a brisk walk, OR

C) Call the friend who most lifts you up and makes you feel great after every conversation. Tell him or her that you need a little pep talk. Put a 10 minute limit on the conversation.

5. If you’re around people right now, go tell one of them how much you appreciate him or her.

Just say, “hey, I wanted to tell you that I appreciate you because…”

If you’re not around people, think about something or someone you’re grateful for. Go over the reasons you’re grateful in your mind.

Gratitude is happiness. Happiness is motivating. Be grateful more often by thinking about who and what you’re happy for, or by telling someone.

6. If you normally sit down to work, stand up.

Standing up to work is motivating. It gets the blood flowing.

7. THIS IS IMPORTANT! Turn off email, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and whatever other social procrastination network you’re part of.
Turn off the TV if it’s on.

Seriously, TURN THEM OFF.

8. Now put on some hype music on your playlist.

Play something that gets you jacked and hyped up. But don't end up forgeting your task.

Hint: try the playlist you use at the gym.

(If you don’t regularly go to the gym or workout otherwise, start doing that tomorrow. You have to be healthy to stay motivated.)

9. List the top 3 positive outcomes of achieving your task.
Think about what you’re planning to accomplish today.

Don’t worry about everything that’s holding you back from accomplishing it. Instead, focus on the positive things that will happen once you get it done.

For example, if you have homework to do, your list might look like this:

1) I’ll learn something useful.
2) I’ll make myself and my teacher proud of what I accomplished.
3) I’ll get closer to achieving a good grade in the class so I can graduate and move on to doing what I’m really meant to do in life.

Write down the three things. Don’t skip this part. Make sure you focus on the 3 most important outcomes.

10. Think about the part of doing this task that you enjoy.
Most tasks have some enjoyable component to them.

Focus on what you like about what you have to do, no matter how simple or how small. Enjoy the very act of doing your task for what it’s worth.

11. Now here’s the most important part.
Lock yourself in a room with the thing you need to be doing.

Don’t leave until you make some progress.

Put pen to paper, fingers to keyboard, or axe to the grindstone.

Stop looking for external motivation. Stop letting yourself procrastinate.

Start going through the motions of making progress. At first it might feel forced, but eventually you’ll get in the groove.

What to do if all of the above didn’t work.

We all have things to do that we really just don’t want to do, but have to for some reason. These are the toughest to find motivation for.

For these especially difficult situations, I recommend two things.

First, question whether or not this thing really needs to be done.

What are the consequences of not doing it? Can you live with the consequences? Is there any way to not do this thing?

Then, if you still conclude that this thing absolutely has to get done, focus on simply getting past it.

Imagine the relief of not having this thing on your plate anymore.

How will that make you feel?

Dig deep. See how quickly you can possibly do this thing.

Do it now and move on to stuff you really want to do.

I feel so motivated to study now after ranting a little. And jumping like a mad bunny while i was at it.
Thanks for reading. Now go get your important stuff done.

Yours truly,

Friday 28 November 2014

28th November 2014

Today was a good day.
Started off with the fact that today was the first day this week that I got to sleep in. Hallelujah. Then I had cheese cake for breakfast to top it off. Hah! Also managed to read though a couple of chapters for my finals next week before heading off to college. Socio is such a pain in the ass. Love Anthro tho.
Finally made up with one of my bros. We've had an argument before this and a slight misunderstanding, thanks a lot WhatsApp, and we cleared the air today.
I'd like to mention something to you people and my friends who actually reads my blog, if someone means something to you don't let them find out something important, that happened in your life, last. Especially not from someone else. It should come from you and only you. Just a heads up.
Moving on, got my share of money today from Fayette House's , a club in my college, profits. From the events we organized throughout the year. FINALLY NO LONGER BROKE. 2014's members of Fayette House will no longer be the same as next year's due to some of them graduating next year. Honestly, I am going to miss them all so much. We've created so much memories and went through so much crazy stuff together, now we're like one big happy family. :')
The last lunch/outing today was amazeballs. Drove out together to Meteora Cafe, in Subang, had a great lunch and tons of laughter. Thank you Nikesh for the lunch and for everything. You're amazing, love you loads. Love the rest of you Fayette too. ❤
I also got to borrow my lecturer's textbook to study because my own textbook is the old version and its super confusing. So I'm really happy about that. Thanks Miss!
So that's a wrap for today. Have a great weekend peeps! Mwah. x
Yours truly,

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Damsel not in distress

I am no damsel in distress.

Most women wait for their prince charming to come and rescue them from their miserable single life and offer them happily ever after. I repeat, most women. Not all.
Only those (women or men) who are not happy with their lives need rescuing. The truth is, the only person who can bring you out of your misery is yourself. No fairy godmother or magic spell can transform your pumpkin into a golden carriage (damn Cinderella and her damsel in distress drama). I am aware of that. So I know that I am no damsel in distress.
I know that I hold the power and that I have the last say as to how my ending will be.
As Mandy Hale often reminds the single, “Design a life so amazing that you don’t want to be rescued from it.”

When you are enjoying life, finding happiness in all that you do and in all the places you go to, you invite people to join you in your journey. You don’t make them take pity on you and help you out of your misery.
When you’re on top of the world, only those who are bold and courageous enough will make the effort to be with you. Only the secure and the mature will appreciate you. You become a challenge. You will discourage the complacent and the weak. You will make the insecure envious. Thus, expect a number of admirers and a few haters. You unknowingly repel toxic people. That’s a bonus!

I don’t want to be that poor naive princess who sits around (or sleeps) on her castle all day, waiting for a prince to swing by and hopefully get a glimpse of her and decide to set her free from her “prison tower”. I’d rather be out there, fighting for my kingdom, resisting evil stepmothers or witches or whomever is trying to steal my happiness away from me, protecting my people, seeing the world in all it’s majesty, actually getting a life.

I am no damsel in distress. I am not impressed by your shining armor. I can fight my own battles. You don’t have to rescue me, sweetheart, but you’re welcome to join me in my kingdom anytime. First, show me your battle scars and tell me your war story. You might be just another frog who needs rescuing. In which case, you picked the wrong princess.

Cheers! x

Girl, you're hotter than Malaysia's weather

Every relationship begins with that first step. Some people never get past that first step. (A silent moment for our brothers in the friendzone..) No matter what they tell you, first impressions matter, (I mean you don't fall in love with people's personality at first glance do you?) and our opening few lines can either energize the interaction,or cause the other person to look around for the nearest exit.

So there are 3 types of people or 3 main categories of openers

Direct gambitsThese are the type of people who are straightforward, know their goals and what they are trying to get. They are honest and get right to the point.E.g: "I'm sort of shy, but I'd like to get to know you"
"Hi, my name is ***. I saw you over here and knew if I didn’t introduce myself I’d be kicking myself later."
"Hi, you have a great energy about yourself so I thought I’d come up and say hi. My name is ***."

Innocuous gambits
These are type of people who try to make their intentions subtle and low-key. In other words, hiding a person's true intentions.
E.g.:  "What do you think of this band?"
"What’s good here?" -If guys are standing in line at a cafe or Starbucks and there is a cute chick in line, they tend to use lines like this. And sometimes it actually works. ;) -

Cute/flippant gambitsMostly pick-up lines which involve humor, but often in a cheesy, canned way.
E.g.: "I thought happiness started with an H. Why does mine start with U?"
"Did you fart? Because you blew me away."
"I'm not staring at your boobs. I'm staring at your heart."
"You shouldn't wear makeup. It's messing with perfection."
And it goes on and on and on..
Majority of both sexes would agree that cute/flippant pick-up lines were the least attractive. Most girls prefer innocuous lines and had a greater aversion to cute/flippant lines than men. Guys, however, have a greater preference for direct opening gambits than women. (Myself included. Haha) Receptivity to pick-up lines involves cognitive processing, which requires thought. A certain amount of mental energy is required to follow the conversation and cut through the bullcrap to figure out a person's true intentions, which is a girl's favorite thing to do; thinking and over-thinking. But your mental state at any given moment is influenced by a number of factors, including how much stress you've experienced that day, or even just before the current conversation. If you've already been hit by a barrage of cute/flippant lines, your brain may feel a bit fatigued.
For me, most are in fact cheesy pickup lines or perhaps at best funny. In fact, I don’t even like the term “pickup lines” because whatever you say first to a woman doesn’t matter nearly as much as the fact that you said something. Guys should just be confident and be themselves. Why try to be someone you're not?

Cheers! x

Bros before hoes, Chicks before dicks

Definitely bro-code is being more upheld. Being a girl, I know that girls can be really mean to each other some times. I've seen tons of backstabbing among girls who claimed to be best friends, yet one little thing done wrong on one person's part and she is torn apart. Also the whole jealousy and leveling thing is just ridiculous. Girls can be ridiculously critical of each other. So sick of it all. Whereas guys can be happy for their friends, some girls just cannot. It's ridiculous how some girls feel they have to compete against every other girl. I had my fair share of girl-drama in high school, enough to last me a lifetime. But its through these things that shape who I am now and also proves who my true friends are. And for that, I'm thankful.

Unwritten rules in friendships
Every relationship has some "unwritten rules" that apply. These are things that people should know instinctively, or at least learn as part of growing up and becoming an adult. The problem is, sometimes people don't know about these little tidbits, so I think it's high time the unwritten rules of friendship were written down.

My personal favorite, Don't ever date your friend's ex.
This rule applies to dating as well as friendship. If your pal went out with someone, that person is now off-limits for you. This is true for a couple of different reasons. First, you need to support your friend through their breakup. This means that when they are angry and hurt over something their ex did, you need to have their back, which includes listening to them, being empathic, and standing up for them if need be. The second thing is, when your friend is finally over their ex, it would be weird for them to see you with this person. More than that, it may bring up all those issues that your friend worked so hard to get over.
I thought it was a universal rule that good friends do not date people their friends have had any type of relationship with. When I experienced this, not only did it break my number one girl code rule, it stunned me that they were even friends. She met him as a guy I was seeing and she was my good friend once upon a time. It is one of the worst thing that could ever happen to you. Don't even call yourself a friend if you've done that. But honestly, I've forgiven that person, but it doesn't mean I've forgotten about it. 

Notify/Help with common mishaps: Having spinach caught in our teeth, our zipper accidentally undone, or the tag on our clothes sticking up, etc.
Its through these embarrassing moments you can say, “I always want to know when I have something stuck in my teeth. Do you agree?” As long as the answer is “yes,” then say, “I think you have something in yours.”  Even though I tend to feel a little uncomfortable during these situations I'll still let them know because hey, if it was me, I'd rather be told by a friend than a stranger or worst, a hot guy. Haha.

Don't ever steal your friend's friend
Isn't it awful to make friends with someone and leave out the person who brought you together in the first place? This is something that is pretty common nowadays. But these things tend to happen due to common interest, similar working life or even lifestyles. So when we are leapfrogged, perhaps we ought to look at ourselves, give our mates the benefit of the doubt and accept that it’s natural for people to gravitate towards those in similar situations. 
So this is written while I'm working because it's helping me keep awake. Hahhahahhahahha. So its kinda short and impromptu. But I think the only rule and the number one rule of the Bro Code is that a guy must always have his bro’s back. Right? *smirks*

Cheers! x

Dirty little secret

Everyone has a secret that they want to let out but can't. Everyone has those feelings that they want to share but can't. Everyone has that something that they want to say but are never strong enough to say them. Everyone has one of those secrets that eats you alive until you have to tell someone. Everyone has secrets, some are just bigger and dirtier than others. 

Everyone has a dirty little secret. Maybe you lost a job, maybe you didn’t graduate from college, maybe you stole something or maybe you know something you shouldn't have. I call these our dirty little secrets. Things you are ashamed of. Things that are holding you back from doing something great.

The wonderful and amazing thing about dirty little secrets:
1.We all have them.
2.Whatever our secret is– it is probably only ‘dirty’ to us.

Over the years, we have taken our secret and cultivated it. We have become experts at growing the secret and allowing it to limit us, hold us back and keep us stuck. Basically we have fine tuned the secret. The irony of it is that we assume that everyone in the world is judging us for the eating too much or getting heartbroken when in reality everyone in the world is too consumed with their own dirty little secret to judge us.
Yes, your dirty little secret might be painful and shame filled. And it deserves to be grieved, honored and moved past. We all have dirty little secrets.

So the next time you hear yourself say, “I can’t do that because I have this dirty little secret”.



Ask yourself:
Is my secret REALLY that dirty?
Did I learn something in the process?
Do I have unfinished stuff from this secret; (Do I need to grieve, apologize, forgive myself for someone else?)
Am I a better person because of that secret?
Could someone learn from me if I shared it with the world?
What is this secret holding me back from?
How would my life be different if I worked on letting it go?
When it comes to me, I forgive but I don't forget. 

Cheers! x

Friday 14 November 2014

There’s always a sliver of positivity in the darkest of times if you just look for it.

Getting shoved into lockers and pushed on the ground is not fun at all. After getting told five days on seven that you're fat, worthless and ugly, you eventually start to believe it. If everyone keeps repeating it, it must be true, right?

  For Grachel Patel, being bullied at school and going home to an empty house at the end of the day is a daily occurrence. 

  The jocks, the cheerleaders, and everyone at school pick on her because she's different. She wears mostly black because it matches her mood. She wears long sleeves even in the summer to hide her scars on her wrist and avoid drawing more attention to her. She doesn't talk. No, she's not mute; she just doesn't talk because what's the point in talking if nobody listens to you? She has already tried to tell them to stop, when they first started harassing her, but they wouldn't stop no matter how much she pleaded. Who knew high schools students could be so cruel, so heartless?
  At home, it wasn't much better. She would come home to a cold, unfriendly house where the only thing she could hear was her own footsteps against the wooden floorboards. After her parents died in a car crash three years ago, she went to live with her aunt. Thing is, her aunt was very close to her mother, so she took it hard as well. She immersed herself deeply into her work; therefore leaving her niece alone in this big house most of the time. She would leave early in the morning and come back very late at night, so they hardly saw each other, much less spoke. 

  The only good thing about being alone was that Grachel could finally have a moment to sort out her jumbled thoughts without being scared of someone hurting her physically or emotionally. 

  She didn't understand why these people liked to hurt her. Was it really because she was too fat? No matter how little she ate and how much weight she lost, they still insulted her with their hurtful words. Was it because she didn't have friends? She used to have a best friend, but then that so-called best friend ditched her once she became an outcast because of how she dressed. Now the girl that she had once called her sister from another mister was part of the group of people who terrorized her non-stop. What hurt the most was that her ex-friend knew all her weaknesses and used them against her. 

  She felt numb. She had often wished that she could be invisible. Then the torture would stop. Why couldn't they just ignore her if she was so ugly to look at? She had never done anything to them, so why were they doing this to her? Did she deserve all this pain because she was such a freak?


  She welcomed the pain. At least this pain, she could control. It was the only thing in her life she had power over. 


  She missed her parents so much.


  She missed her best friend, even though she turned out to be a backstabbing b****


  She missed the days when she felt so alive and carefree. 

  As she watched all the blood flow down her arm and onto her carpet, she made her way to the bathroom to clean up her mess. That's going to leave a stain, she thought dully.

  Crying herself to sleep, her last thought was 'Let's hope I can make it through another day of Hell tomorrow.'

  She wasn't living; she was merely surviving. 

  School was painful as always. However, today was worse than the other days. Her tormentors were in a bitter mood because they had lost their game last night against a rival school; thus, they took out their anger on a defenseless Grachel. How was it fair? There were at least ten of them and she was alone. They kicked, punched, called her names, spit on her, laughed at her. She stayed silent the entire time, just waiting until this nightmare ended. She tried not to show any pain or emotion for that matter. Her pain just encouraged them; she had learn that the first time.

  Where were the teachers when you needed them? On her own, she couldn't tell any adults because it would only make it worse. She had tried once, but somehow they had known her intentions and made sure she wouldn't ever think about telling on them again. 

  During break, she hid herself on the roof of the school. It was her only escape from reality in this hell hole. The only place where she could have peace without all the degrading and condescending stares and whispers that followed her everywhere. From the roof, you could see the school's lovely garden. It calmed her. 

  She knew right away that she wasn't the only one there. She could hear the other person's footsteps, but she didn't turn around. She kept her gaze on the garden. She knew it wasn't any of her regular aggressors because she would have recognized their steps. After three horrible years of constantly being on the lookout to avoid the inevitable bullying, she memorized the sound of their footsteps so that she would know when to expect them. She had given up on running away from them because all that did was make the punishment even worse once they caught her. They always caught her in the end. 

  When the person was standing beside her, he did something she did not expect. He held his hand out which held a pink post-it and gave it to her. She stared at it for a moment before tentatively reaching out and taking the little paper. Reading it, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. To say she was shocked would be an understatement. 

     Smile, you're beautiful. 

  Reshan, a new student, had seen this breathtaking girl walking towards the stairs that led to the roof. He wouldn't have put much thought into it except that this girl had captured his interest. She looked so empty and miserable. Her eyes held so much sadness and loneliness that pierced a hole through his heart. How could one person seem so... so broken? he thought. He didn't know why, but he really wanted to make her smile. Even with all the dark emotions that emanated from her, she still radiated beauty and gentleness. He didn't know her, but he could tell that this girl had a big heart. 

  Racking his brain for a way that could make her darkness go away even for just a little while, he soon had an idea. He wrote what he wanted her to read on a little pink post-it because girls like pink, right? After joining her on the roof, he gave her his message. He had hoped that she wouldn't find him too cheesy or anything. 

  When she read it, she froze. He didn't know if it was a good sign or a bad sign, so he quickly rushed out, "It's for when you're feeling down, you can take it out and read it again and again until you smile. I just thought that you should know that you're beautiful."

  This earned him a small smile from the gorgeous girl beside him. His breath caught in his throat. Her smile, even if it was tiny, was blinding. She was even more magnificent when she smiled. He was extremely happy that he was the reason behind that smile. 

  Beautiful. The last person who had called her that was her now deceased father. At first, she thought the boy was mocking her. However, after seeing the sincere expression that he wore when he talked to her, she couldn't help but believe his words. Without her permission, a small smile slipped onto her face. She smiled at the boy. The movement seemed so foreign. She hadn't smiled in a long time; she hadn't had any reason to until now. 

  There was a flutter in her chest. A tingly feeling overcame her. What was the word to describe it? Hope. Hope that not everyone is cruel. Hope for a new beginning. Hope for a better future. 

  Reshan didn't know it, but he did way more than just make her smile again. He gave her the strength to fight. He gave her the will to live again. 

  He hadn't known it, but when he caught Grachel on the roof just staring out, she wasn't just admiring the garden. No, she was contemplating whether or not it would matter to anyone if she just jumped. It would be so easy, to just jump and end her suffering. No more pain; just quick death. She would join her parents wherever they were. No one would miss her here; they would actually be happy she was gone. 

  With his charming smile, and sweet gesture, he showed her that she wasn't alone. 

  He saved her. 

PS: I posted my story here because quite a number of people has been asking to read it and I'm just too lazy to email to everyone so here you go. :) This made me unspeakably happy. Specially written for insecure girls out there. (and maybe some guys HAHA) 
Insecurity is everyone's weakness. 

Cheers! x

Always classy, never trashy & a little sassy ;101 on girls you should steer clear off when it comes to a relationship

Little Miss Perfect:
She's that girl who wants to appear in people's minds when they think of the word perfect. Never will she appear in public eye with a strand of hair out of place or a spot of dirt on her chiffon dress. Taking her out on a date will mean, be prepared to wait as long as necessary for her to get ready. Worst case scenario, she ends up making sure you or the places you both go to are perfect. Constantly fixing your hair and tucking in your shirt or calling a million times to check on dinner reservations. How long can you last in her 'perfect' world?
Dumb blonde:
Definition: Essentially blonde with the addition of "dumb" for clarification. Although in certain situations, she does not necessarily have to be blonde to be dumb. No offence, but there are quite a number of dim-witted of raven-haired and brunettes out there. She may be beautiful with a hot body, the conversations aren't exactly "stimulating." If you're dying to tell your girlfriend to just "smile and nod" every time she attempts to open her mouth, you're probably dating a Dumb Blonde.Usually most guys welcome the opportunity to have a fling with a dumb blonde since they don't have to go to great lengths to come up with interesting topics of conversation. But when it comes to a serious relationship, you'll definitely lose interest faster than she can say "What does 'dense' mean?" Also, according to a certain someone, dumb blondes think they have a certain time/ mood to be more intelligent than usual. Not sure how true that is though. *smirks*
The Overly-Attached:
She's that girl that will insist that you spend every waking moment with her, refusing to let you go out with the boys or spend any significant amount of time with anyone else. If you suggest that she should hook up with her girlfriends while you go watch the game with your friends, you will probably be faced with a two-hour argument during which she'll ask you if you still love her about a thousand times. This is a sign of her overstepping her boundaries. It’s sweet that she wants alone time with you all the time, (which usually only last through the honey-moon phase), but if she never wants to go to parties or just hang with friends throughout your whole relationship, I think its time to slowly and firmly detach yourself from her. C'mon, are you dating a woman or a leech?  Unless, of course, you're also needy, in which case this might be the type of woman that's right for you.
The Gold Digger:
She can be seen coming from miles away. She compliments you on your expensive watch, and asks you what kind of car you drive, what you do for a living, where you live, and so on. Since the Gold Digger is basically looking for a sugar daddy, she'll size you up within the first five minutes and drop you just as quickly if your cash flow doesn't meet her standards. Would you really date someone who might give you a blank look or turn her nose up at a gift when you give her something sentimental that doesn't cost much but reminds you of a special time together? Yeah, I thought so. So regardless of your financial situation, you should run the other way.  
Spotlight Seeker:
She may have lots of personalities but these type can be exhausting given that she's always putting on a show. Whether you're with friends, family, or even just the dog, she always has to be the center of everyone's attention. In order to accomplish this, she may use one or many of the following techniques: Talking excessively loud, wildly gesturing, telling unbelievable stories just to capture everyone's attention, or wearing extremely provocative outfits. Just listening to these type of girls are making gauge my eyeballs out so just be sure that you can handle it before you get involved.
Miss Chatterbox:
She's the type that chatters incessantly about every topic that crosses her mind, no matter how mundane or unimportant it may be. One of her favorite topic of conversation is herself . If you manage to make it through two hours of listening to her talk about the new shoes she wants to buy or how she tool only thirty minutes to shower, you are prepared to survive anything
That Bitch:
She may be all sweet and sugar with you but when it comes to other females, especially your close female friends, she's anything but nice behind your back.
The Party Girl:
She's practically been living in bars and clubs since she hit the legal drinking age. If you aren't much of a party guy yourself, this can cause some problems down the road. If not, you better be prepared to deal with the side effects of her lifestyle. Party girls can make poor choices while intoxicated which can devastate even the strongest relationships. Imagine a girl you're dating gets all prettied up, and spends a night on the town with some friends. She may dress provocatively and will be in places filled with hungry and horny men. Adding alcohol into the equation only makes things worse. Do you really want to deal with the possibility of your girlfriend making poor choices every single weekend? If you can't keep up with her lifestyle, it's best to just pass her up.
The Princess:
She is one high maintenance chick. If she breaks a nail, she expects you to drop everything you're doing to drive her to the nail salon immediately. There's no way she'll go to the pub to have a beer and watch the game; only the trendiest venues will do. Her daddy always told her she was a princess and she expects to be treated like one. Not only will she constantly keep you busy taking care of her every need, the Princess can also cost you a pretty penny. Although she's not necessarily after your money like the Gold Digger, she has expensive taste, and expects you to shower her with nice things and take her out to posh places on a regular basis. Would you rather lose the girl or your wallet?
Of course, it's not all black and white. Keep in mind that many women may show some traits from more than one category listed above and still be great girlfriend material. You should simply watch out for the types of women that take things to the extreme and make you miserable. It all comes down to this: If you're unhappy more often than satisfied in your relationship, it's time to hit the road, boys.

Disclaimer; This is a spin-off from my previous post. Its similar but not the same.

Cheers! x

If you're a guy, which one are you?

The Unicorn: 
The Unicorn is the mythical embodiment of perfection. He’s the God that walks amongst mere mortals. He has it all. Perfect in every way and right now, he even has the girlfriend that everyone wishes they had their hands on.
The Bad Boy: 
I love to hate him. One of the reasons why I hate him is because, well, he's bad. He picks on all the little guys and he’s trouble, nothing except trouble. But, damn does he look good. I’m going to hide the little part of me that gets giddy when I watch him play behind a wall of hatred, because Mama always told me to watch out for the bad boys.
The Boy Next Door: 
Plain and simple, that is your next door neighbor. Whether you love them or hate them, you live next to them and they’re always around.He seems harmless in a cute and endearing way. I definitely see a friendship sparking between us. It may even turn into a full-blown love affair. We’ll see, I’m definitely keeping my eye on him though.
The Guy You Lost Your Virginity To:
He’s a good guy. He’s sweet and cute. He’s the underdog. Most girls wouldn’t even give him the time of day. He got bullied and threatened a lot last year, but he kept fighting back. You will always pull for him and wish him the best because he is a special guy. You do care about him, mainly because you lost your virginity to him and you two share a special bond. Is there a part of you that wishes that maybe you would have given it up to someone a little more special? Yes, probably a little. Although you'll feel terrible for saying that because he was so good to you and he was the perfect guy to give you the experience you needed. But all good things come to an end and it’s time for you to move on to bigger, better things. Watch, he’s going to grow up to become that super famous and hot actor, or win the World Cup four years in a row.
The Party Guys:
These guys are the fraternities on campus. They throw a good party and they know how to have a good time. I’m usually pretty entertained by them. I don’t have any real interest in them. I just use them for the cheap thrill of a good party.
The Class Clown: 
I don’t know exactly what it is it, but it’s hard for me to take them seriously. They’re just around for a few laughs.
The Nice Guy: 
He’s a good guy. He works hard, has a nice personality, and isn’t bad looking either. He’s an all around likable dude with fantastic hair. He's always there when you need him, with a shoulder to cry on or just to have a heart to heart talk. But most of the time, they end up in the Friendzone. Or, if you're lucky, maybe not.
The Friend with Benefits:
Yeah, you look good. You’re not looking for a commitment? Neither am I. Oh? You want to show me a good time? Well, I’m not that type of girl. You are hot though and you do have a great body. Oh, you’re funny, smart, and sexy too? You’d like to take me to out? Well, I guess we can go out once and see what happens. We had a blast and now I’m hooked. Since we have no real attachment other than a good time, I’ll enjoy the fun until I find something better.
The ‘Oh My Gosh He Got So Hot Over the Summer’ Guy: 
He showed up to driving a brand new BMW and he had to have gotten a personal trainer because, goodness, did he buff up. It looks  like someone went to fat camp, buffed up, got a flashy new wardrobe, and has a new group of cool friends that came out of nowhere.
The Fresh Meat: 
He just moved to town and you can’t decide if you love him or hate him. Since he’s new he tried out for the team and made it. Some people are excited about the fresh talent and others are super pissed because him making the team means someone that you like is no longer on the team.
The Disappointment: 
He flirts with you for months and you’re incredibly into him. He’s charming and flashy for a while and when Spring Formal comes around, he asks you to go with him. Because you are so excited about it you decide to buy a new dress just for the occasion, even though you already have a dress you can wear. The night of Spring Formal comes around and homeboy shows up to get you reeking of cheap whiskey. He comes inside to use your bathroom, starts throwing up, and passes out. Night over before it even got started. He wasn’t all that he was cracked up to be. Unfortunately the dress is non-refundable and now you’re stuck with the painful memory of what could have been hanging in your closet.
The Hot Guy with No Brains:
In high school he skated by. He’s hot, but he is dumber than a stack of bricks. The only reason he got into college was because his Daddy paid the school a lot of money for him to get accepted. He’s fun to party with and he shows you a good time. How far will that go? Without a brain you’ll never go anywhere.
The Quiet Guy: 
That is the guy who shows up to some of the parties but never really says anything to anyone. You often forget he’s even there. He stays out of the way and waits for his moment to shine.
Your Friend’s Boyfriend:
He’s always around and he’s not a bad guy. Sometimes he makes mistakes and disappoints her, but all in all, he makes her happy and that’s all that matters.
The One That Transferred: 
He was around for a while, but never quite got the hang of things. He struggled during his time there and eventually Mom and Pops decided that there was a better place for him to go. So they yanked him right out of there with very little warning. The ones he was close to will miss him dearly and the ones that never got the chance to get to know him will hardly notice his absence. Sure, next year his name will come up, but after time he will be nothing but a distant memory.
The Wallflower:
He's a loner and a seemingly shy guy who no one really knows. Often one of the most interesting guys if one actually talks to them.
The Snob: 
He’s a little bit abrasive and he thinks he’s God’s gift to the world. They have a good loyal group of friends and they aren’t that welcoming to anyone else. If you mess with him, his friends will show no mercy when letting you have it.
The Independents: 
These are the guys that are just there. They satisfy the needs of different girls for different reasons. You’ll be nice and wave your fingers and say “hi” whenever you see them, but that’s about it.
The One True Love: 
That is the guy that is marriage material. He can do no wrong in your eyes. You will stand by his side no matter what. If he’s sick, you’ll be there for him as he gets healthy again. Even if he’s not successful, you’ll proudly be on his arm letting everyone know that he’s still your man. He’s been there for you through thick and thin and will never leave your side. With every relationship there is some disappointment and hard times, but he always finds a way to make it up to you and you still love him. You two are a match made in Heaven.
What if I fall in love with my Friend with Benefits? What if The Nice Guy doesn’t finish last? What if The Guy I Lost My Virginity To puts a ring on it? What if The Boy Next Door turns out to be the man of my dreams? What if one of The Party Boys shows that there’s more to him than being able to throw a good party? These are all questions that only time will tell. Until then, I’m going to let loose, have a good time, and enjoy the ride.

Disclaimer; I am not referring to anyone specifically. Also, it is all written based on my point of view and not experience nor has it happen to me. And I know it is more to the American side but I guess that's because I read too many of that kind of books.

Cheers! x