Saturday 28 February 2015


Its 3AM. And you're still awake, when you shouldn't be. Slowly it starts happening. You start thinking and thinking and thinking till you can't stop.

These are the thoughts that happen when you're awake until sunrise. The ones where you start questioning existence, inspecting every one of your imperfections, and thinking of every single mistake you've made. You begin to wonder why you should still be around, what really matters after all.
This is when you start to question whether you should tell your best friend or your boyfriend or your girlfriend or simply, keep it bottled up inside your untamed mind.
What you think inside your head is all yours.
The thoughts I think are closed off to others by the walls of my skull and I like them to stay there.
Once you choose to speak a thought or act upon it, its no longer yours. Once you've been heard or seen people will judge and think about it.
And its not yours anymore.
The thoughts you think late at night that shake your heart and make your soul quiver are yours. No one can take them from you, no one can tell you you're wrong or right or weak or strong. Those thought are all for you to hold and keep and dwell in and forever hide because that's okay.
It's okay to hide sometimes. It's okay to have thoughts that never leave your mind. It's okay.
You don't have to share. Those thoughts are yours and are not meant for anyone else. Keep them close and keep them dear. And think before you speak.
You never know what thoughts can do.

So this was something I wrote some time ago on
my other blog;

and I just found in my drafts and decided to post
it up! :)

Have a great day!

with love, k

See the good in others

Hiya peeps,

So recently, I had a 'fight' with one of my mates. Until now, we aren't even talking. I guess it was sort of a misunderstanding as both of us were stressed out at that moment when it happened, especially if you are more emotional than usual, we tend to think irrationally and do or say things we normally wouldn't do or say when we're sane. And we both kinda blurted out hurtful things to each other and honestly, it made me think the worst of my mate cause I'd never expected such things to be said from them. I guess this is where the saying, 'expect nothing and you won't be disappointed.', comes in.

Anyways, my point is sometimes we tend to be overly straight forward that we wouldn't realize we're hurting someone till it's too late. Or we purposely pick out their flaws only to throw it back to their face. I think a lot of us out there tend to do this. Instead of seeing the good in others, we always pick out their "flaws" or not so good things. But on the other hand, we want so badly for others to see the good in us as well. It doesn't make sense, does it? Again, things like that is a cycle. You want people to see the good side of you, you should see the good in others as well. As the saying goes, 'If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all', right? If in your head, you wanna mention a sensitive issue, you're thinking "Should I mention it or nah because they might get hurt?". That's when you know you shouldn't mention it. Why take the risk of hurting them? Just keep it to yourself, yes?

Basically, I think we should all fight hard to start seeing the good in people first. Yes, sometimes it's very hard I know, especially the people you do not like. If you really have nothing good to point out, just keep quiet and ignore them, Hahhahahah. But yeah, always try to see the good side in others. We humans are all damn screwed up, I think we should really try to make it a better place so we all can live with less assholes in this world. I always try my hardest to do kind to people especially strangers because when someone does good to you, there is a chance of them paying that kindness forward. If more and more people pass on this kindness, we can live more peacefully and this world WILL be a better and SAFER (the caps lock to emphasize on our world's current state of security) You don't lose anything to be kind and say nice things right? Give it a try, it makes you feel a whole lot better too :)

Have a great weekend guys & its still CNY so Happy Chinese New Year to those who are celebrating it. Get loads of ang paos ya! :D

with love, k

Friday 27 February 2015

Hot & Humid

Hey guys,

So even though I have an assignment due on Monday and a test on Tuesday, it is literally TOO HOT to think of anything. As if my brain is already fried. It's the kind of hot where you have the need to take five showers in an hour. smh.
So I'll just be isolating myself in my room, with the air conditioner on high, & read a book. 

Just the sound of it is pure bliss.

Stay cool everyone!
with love,

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Real money replaces Monopoly money

So I'm sure most of us have played the game Monopoly some where, some time during our childhood am I right? Well, after reading this, you'd wish you lived in France.

"To mark 80 years of Monopoly, game maker Hasbro has tucked real money into 80 game sets to be sold in France. The amount of cash in the boxes varies; only one set will come with the equivalent of the Monopoly bank.

Finding the 20,580 euros will be a challenge. Hasbro is putting a sticker on 30,000 boxes of the game to announce that they might contain real cash. The company says it sells about 500,000 of the sets in France each year.

While only one game box will include the equivalent of about $23,500, the 79 others will include hundreds of euros mixed in with the colorful Monopoly money.

"We wanted to do something unique," Hasbro France brand manager Florence Gaillard tells Agence France-Presse. "When we asked our French customers, they told us they wanted to find real money in their Monopoly boxes."

Gaillard adds that the money was put into the boxes during a secret operation — but Hasbro says that people hunting for the real money could look for two possible hints: the real cash gives the Monopoly boxes a different weight, and it also makes the box bulge a bit.

In the U.S., Hasbro is releasing a special 80th anniversary edition that includes a range of game tokens such as a lantern (1930s), cannon (1950s), and a bathtub (1940s).

As many Monopoly fans will know, its roots began much earlier than 1935, as Elizabeth Magie patented The Landlord's Game in 1904. And contrary to its current reputation, the game "was used to demonstrate how property owners could bankrupt their poor renters," NPR's Planet Money reported.

Back in 2002, NPR's Juan Williams reported that The Landlord Game was based on several economic ideas, including "the virtues of the Single-Tax Movement" put forth by Henry George in 1871."

How cool is that? Hahahhaha. If only its in Malaysia. :)
Have a great day guys!

With love, k.

Rules of Love; Recognize The Signs

So recently, I stumbled across a book called Rules of Love by Richard Templar. I don't normally blog about books but this book is really cool. In this book, there are basically rules of relationships, or when you're looking for someone to be in a relationship etc. It's not rules that the author came up with but like he says in the books, they are more of reminders. They are things that we tend to forget when we are in a relationship and I agree to everything he says so far. 

Also, because Valentine's Day is around the corner and guys always seem to show extreme affection of love towards their partners only on the 14th of February. What happened to the rest of the 364 days? Not special enough to show love? Pfft. Please, everyday should be a special one because you have him/her to spend the days with. 

Anyways, in the book, Rule #26 says "Recognize the Signs". What does this mean?

He gives this scenario about this couple. The lady says things like, "Oh he doesn't show me that he loves me enough." Then the guy replies, "No I do, how about the coffee I make for you every morning? What about that time I washed your car?" She replies, "That's not romantic, those are just favors" He then replies, "Why the hell do you think do I do it for?"

Do you realize what this scenario is trying to say? The scenario above may be a bit sexist but don't worry girls, I'll even it out. Let's start with the females shall we?

Okay, females, let me get something straight. Your man does not need to buy you flowers or chocolates or do something romantic for you at random times to show that he loves you. Just cause he does not do all these things, that doesn't mean he doesn't love you right? Maybe the little things he does like, walking you back from class, taking your bag for you (without you asking him to), helping you with something (again, without you asking), letting you vent out your moodiness on them especially when you're on your period etc. You need to realize that maybe through all these things he does, it's his own way of showing you love. Don't expect him to constantly get you flowers and whatever okay? Okay la, guys, you should maybe do that once in a blue moon because it can really melt a girl's heart but anyway, girls, appreciate all these little things alright? It is just a reminder to all of you ladies that, getting romantic surprises isn't the only way love can be shown.

Okay males, spotlight's on you now. Honestly, when your girl goes out with you, you know how sometimes she takes awhile to get dress and shit then you complain, "Why is she taking so freaking long", complain, complain, complain. Have you ever thought for a second that she's purposely dressing up for you? She wants to look good for you, impress you, be sexy for you or whatever. She's putting effort into her dressing (because to us girls it's just more important to us then to guys) because of you, maybe that tinge of lipstick might attract your attention. Maybe she's trying to be slim for you so that you can be proud of her when you walk hand-in-hand with her yes? You may think, "Oh baby, you don't need to do all of that. I love you for who you are" blah, blah, blah. True, but I guess she's just using one of the ways to show you that she loves you and all. So guys, maybe compliment her sometimes and she'll be happy that you notice.

Y,a'll get the point now? Your partner does not need to tell you that he/she loves you 500 times a day, and yeah guys, please for the love of God, do not overuse that word. People are throwing the word around and it's already losing it's meaning. Instead of complaining, we should be grateful for the little things they do for you. They do it because they love you, am I right? If not why the hell would they put in effort? Exactly. It may also be the littlest things they do, to show that they love you.

With love, k

Sunday 1 February 2015

Insecurity is everyone's weakness

Well recently, I realize its pretty easy to manipulate a girl's self-esteem. If they come across pictures of really stunning and slim girls, you know the usual reaction is, damn, I wanna be like her. I admit right now that I have been through that. I'll be thinking, she's beautiful, creative, slim, smart, talented, her fashion sense, she's cool and the list goes on and on. I would even reach a point where I'd daydream about what it'd be like to be her.

There's a fine line between trying to be exactly like someone and using them as an inspiration or motivation. These are two different things and some people go beyond that. Sooner or later, I realized how that wrong was. Maybe not wrong but, we try too hard to be like someone else but we most likely will never be. No matter how hard we try to be someone else, in the end, we still end up being ourselves. We cannot change who we are and you can't pretend to be someone else forever. You should be surrounded by people who will love and appreciate you for you and not because you were trying to be like another guy/girl. It's in you and if you're like that, you are like that. Everyone is different in every way and we cannot escape that. We cannot change but we can improve on who we are. There will always be room for improvement.

So if you see someone you wanna be like, don't try to be exactly like them. Make them your inspiration to become a better person and not demotivate you. I figure that's one of the things people mistake for. Don't let anyone or anything demotivate you or change who you are. That's just not healthy. Each of us has something that everyone wants but we can't have everything, can we? We are all blessed with something good. Well, unless you are a homeless person but then how did you end up at my blog anyway?ha ha ha. lame. But if you feel like you aren't blessed with something then that is where you are wrong. You just don't know how to see the more positive and brighter side of things. 

So, ladies and gentleman, I've learnt my lesson. Have you learnt yours? Don't try so hard to be like someone else because we'll end up reverting back to our original self. Be yourself and if other people can't accept you for you then screw them. Why would you want to be surrounded by people who wouldn't love you for you anyway. Be yourself but a good one, not a bad one. I hope you all understand what I'm saying.

Yes, everyone has insecurities, even people with huge ass egos. We all have a part of us we don't like, or we get teased about it and stuff. Then maybe we start complaining to our loved ones, or friends or whoever you tell your shit to. I do complain about my insecurities now and then and I'm still not over it. Not completely anyways. It's freaking hard to get over your insecurity, I understand but you cannot let it consume you. Let's say if I were to complain to my friend about my insecurities everyday, it get's annoying doesn't it? My friend will try to console me, I feel better but then I revert back to complaining about it again. At the end of the day, it is NOT your insecurity that will push your friend away but you COMPLAINING about it will be the one pushing them away. Because your friend can't take your whining shit anymore, that's why. Think about it, if your friend didn't like your insecurity, he/she wouldn't even be with/friends you in the first place, amen? Amen. He/She would probably love your insecurity the most. So there, that's one reason for you to stop complaining about it.

How about maybe that one insecurity defines you. Maybe that's not how you define yourself but maybe other people do and it doesn't always have to be a bad thing right? Maybe other people will like your insecurity, maybe that's their favorite part of you. You never know. One day, there will be someone you will love you for you, yes you, your imperfections, flaws, insecurities etc etc. You come in a package, and if they refuse to accept any part of you then that's their loss.

We all want something we don't have. That's life. We can't have everything can we? Well, even if we do have everything we want, do you think we'll be permanently happy? No, right? See? There's always a part of you, you can be happy about. Don't say you don't have because that is a big ass lie. I'm learning how to slowly get over it myself and complain less about it. Accept compliments. It's okay to be insecure, it's what makes us human. I guess many people think it's wrong to have insecurities, well, it's not. It makes you, you. Don't ever forget. 
Now give your self-esteem a +1! ;)

Thank you for reading you kind soul. Bless you. *Sprinkles holy water*
I'm sorry, a little hyped up now hahhahahah. 

With love, k